Project Updates
Fall 2024 Project Update
The construction of the new Exit 4A interchange as part of the 13065A project continued in 2023 with construction anticipated to finish in late fall of 2024. The I-93 project southerly limit begins in the vicinity of the Ash Street Bridge crossing of I-93, continues northerly approximately 0.5 miles to where the proposed Old Rum Trail Bridge passes over I-93 and ends approximately 0.7 miles north of the proposed Old Rum Trail Bridge. Proposed improvements included the construction of new on and off ramps, acceleration and deceleration lanes, several stormwater treatment basins, the 295’ Old Rum Trail Bridge over I-93, approximately 0.5 miles of stream restoration for the Tributary to Wheeler Pond along the southbound on ramp, utility relocations, and approximately 0.5 miles of noise abatement barriers along the southbound on and off ramps and approximately 0.5 miles along the northbound on ramp. Old Rum Trail begins at the southbound ramps termini and extends approximately 0.7 miles easterly to the Madden Road intersection area. The proposed Old Rum Trail roadway constructs 2 lanes in each direction, a raised median island, traffic signals at the ramp termini, and several stormwater treatment facilities.
The Exit 4A interchange will not be opened for traffic until the 13065B project roadway system is constructed adequately to accept traffic and not significantly impede construction of that project.
Final design of the second major construction project, the 13065B project, Folsom Road and NH Route 28 (Crystal Avenue), continued in 2023 and 2024 with the design being completed in May 2024. The project improvements begin at the easterly limit of the 13065A project and continue easterly as Folsom Road for approximately 0.8 miles ending east of Pinkerton Street. The project also includes reconstruction of 0.25 miles of NH Route 28 and approximately 0.55 miles of local roads in Derry. The improvements include the construction of roadways varying in width to accommodate 2 to 7 lanes, traffic signals at several intersections, a 63’ long Shields Brook Bridge, several stormwater treatment basins, a 0.4-mile-long multi-use path, and relocations for overhead and underground utilities.
The 13065B project was awarded to Weaver Brothers Construction Company, of Bow NH, the low bidder with a bid of $31M. Construction is expected to begin in late fall of 2024, with construction anticipated to be complete in the summer of 2028. The total construction cost is estimated to be $33.4M, which includes, construction oversight, environmental mitigation, and utility relocations.
Design and construction were also completed on the 13065E project for the demolition of buildings on 3 NHDOT owned parcels. This project was advertised in June 2023 with demolitions being completed during the fall of 2023. Spears Brothers Building Salvage and Wrecking was the low bidder with a bid of $294,700. The total project cost is estimated to be $300,000 including construction oversight.
The third and final major construction project, the 13065C project, has advanced through the 60% design milestone. The project improvements begin at the easterly limit of the 13065B project and continue easterly as Tsienneto Road for approximately 1.6 miles ending at the intersection with NH Route 102. The project also includes reconstruction of 0.25 miles of NH Route 28 Bypass and approximately 0.4 miles of NH Route 102. The improvements include the construction of roadways varying in width to accommodate 2 to 5 lanes and a sidewalk along the north side of Tsienneto Road, traffic signals at the intersections of Tsienneto Road with NH Route 28 Bypass and NH Route 102, a 50’ long Tributary E Bridge, several stormwater treatment basins, and relocations for overhead and underground utilities. Design will continue into the spring of 2025 when the Right-of-Way acquisition process will begin. The remaining final design phases will continue in 2025 and 2026.
Summer 2022 Project Update
Final design of the first construction project, the 13065A project, Exit 4A Interchange and Old Rum Trail, commenced in the spring of 2021. Design of the new interchange advanced rapidly, and the ROW acquisition process was progressed concurrently. Design was completed in April of 2022 and the project was advertised for construction bids. Weaver Brothers Construction Company, of Bow NH, was the low bidder with a bid of $45.5M. Construction is expected to begin in Summer 2022, with Construction anticipated to be complete in Fall of 2024. The total project cost is $61.6M, which includes design, construction oversight, environmental mitigation ($3.9M), and utility relocations ($2.1M).
Design was also completed on the 13065D project for the demolition of buildings on 7 NHDOT owned parcels. This project was advertised in January 2022 with demolitions expected to be completed during the Summer of 2022. Spears Brothers Building Salvage and Wrecking was the low bidder with a bid of $322,000. The total project cost is $350,000 which includes construction oversight. Once these buildings are removed, construction of the interchange can advance more rapidly. A similar project, 13065E, will demolish additional buildings on 3 other NHDOT owned parcels, which is expected to be completed late 2023 to prepare for construction of the middle construction project, 13065B.
Final design of the middle construction project, 13065B, continues to advance. In February 2022 the 60% design milestone was reached. This milestone is referred to as the Slope and Drain Submittal – meaning the slope impacts are set, the traffic control plan is finalized, and drainage design is substantially complete. This milestone begins the ROW Plan phase for the approximately 65 impacted parcels associated with this project. This project is expected to be advertised in Fall 2023 with construction beginning early in 2024 as the interchange project construction nears completion.
The third and final major construction project, 13065C, is in the early stages of final design. The design schedule is set to follow the ROW acquisition schedule for the corridor. This project is expected to advertise in early 2025.
Photo of the intersection of Tsienneto Road, Folsom Road, Crystal Avenue, and Manchester Road.